Getting Libertarianism Right


a priori truth, 8
academics, role of, 31
adversity, Rothbard’s reaction to, 109
affirmative action laws
   end of, 93
   role of, 36
agnosticism, 102
alternative lifestyles, advocacy of, 14
Alt-Right (Alternative Right), 78
   beliefs of, summarized,
   goals of, 81
   lack of theoretical foun-
       dations for, 82
   mysticism of, 20
America’s democratic capital-
    ism 102
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 37n
anarchism, 110
anarcho-capitalism, 77
anti-discrimination laws
   opposed, 17
   role of, 44
anti-Fascist, fight against, 93f
   direct, 58
   indirect, 58
   original, 15, 25
   original, acts of, 58
argumentation ethics, 9f, 59
   Rothbard’s appraisal of,
Austro-libertarian theory, 102, 106
opposition to, 110

bad neighbor problem, 85
bad neighbors, dealing with, 83
“basket of deplorables,” 78
behavioral norms as conflict-avoidance tools, 24
beltway libertarians, drift to the left of, 115
Big-Government Libertarians (Rothbard), 23n
Blumert, Burton, 101
Bodrum (Turkey), 7
borders, open, 18
bourgeois conduct as a model of social organization, 42
Brimelow, Peter, 45, 78
Brooklyn Polytechnic, 112
   Rothbard’s position at, 108
Buchanan, Patrick, 78, 81, 87

Camino Coins, 101
capitalism-is-love libertarianism, 85
Cato Institute, 13, 32n
Center for Libertarian Studies,  101
central banking, end of, 92
Chicago school (of economics), 12
civil rights vs. property rights, 37n
civilization, norms of, 10
Clinton, Hillary, 78
Code of Federal Regulations, expansion of, 67
common culture, need for, 84
common property as state property, 33
   in daily life, 110
   in theory, 110
   as caused by scarcity, 57
   avoidance of, 57, 76
conspiracies and historical events, 106
   existence of, 105
   unintended outcomes of, 105
conspiracy theory, 105
correct empirical assumptions, need for, 54
corruption, increasing under democracy, 66
costs, privatization of, 18
   moral illegitimacy of, 65
   role of in democratic
       politics, 65
criminal gangs, crushing of, 94f
cultural Marxism, 38, 40, 80
culture wars, 87
current possessor, presumption in favor of, 60

de-civilization, process of, 64
deductive science, economics as, 8
democracy, rising time preference under, 66
Democracy: the God that Failed (Hoppe), 13, 117
democratic state, nature of, 64
Derbyshire, John, 78
Divide et impera (Divide and Conquer), 44, 52, 67, 88

egalitarian doctrine, role of, 31
egalitarianism, 116
Egalitarianism and the Elites (Rothbard), 30n
Eigentum, Anarchie, und Staat (Hoppe), 100
elites, 80
   of agents, 106
   of rulers, 106
envy, role of, 64
Erkennen und Handeln (Hoppe, doctoral dissertation), 99
Ethics of Liberty (Rothbard), 11

federal crimes, multiplication of, 68
fiat property, 63f
financial crises
   risks to the elites of, 52
   social consequences of, 51
follow-the-money principle, 104f
For a New Liberty: a Libertarian Manifesto (Rothbard), 75
force, arguments for as a logical contradiction, 10
forced social integration, 88
   opposed, 19
foreign policy of non-interventionism, 18, 91f
free immigration
   financial consequences
       of, 51
   libertarian justifications
       for, 45f
free market think tanks, treatment of Rothbard by, 109
free speech, limited rights to, 13
freedom of association, 17, 93
French, Doug, 9
Friedman, Milton, 110

Gabb, Sean, 78
George Mason University, 32n
Göthe University, 7
Gottfried, Paul, 26, 78
government welfare
   effects of on recipients, 96
   end of, 95f
government, Americans dependent on, 68
Gramscianism, 80
group victimhood, 37
gun control, end of, 95

Habermas, Jürgen, 8, 10f
Hayek, Friedrich von, 10
historical research, how to conduct, 104
history as art, 107
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann  
   as a cultural conserva-
        tive, 13
   Affirmative Action
         harassment by, 114
   treatment of at UNLV,
human differences
   denial of by the Left, 27
   existence of, 26
   consequences of, 27
human diversity, 16
   existence of, 26
   policy consequences of, 16
human mental make-up, differences in, 26
Hume, David, 8

Iglody, Lee, 9
   as uninvited and uniden-
        tified trespassers, 49
   code of conduct for, 48
   entry restrictions for, 48
   group based admissions
        standards for, 49
   identity controls for, 48
   screening of, 91
   subsidies for, 49
immigration, 81
   free or otherwise, 45
   full-cost principle for, 47f
   in a private property
        world, 46
   left-libertarian policy
        for, 50
immigration pressure, historical role of, 47
impartial third party, need for in conflict resolution, 61
   among individuals, 54
   among societies (cul-
        tures), 54
inequality of wealth
   acceptable vs. unaccept-
        able to the Left, 30
   acceptable vs. unaccept-
        able to the Right, 29
intellectual flexibility and tolerance, 111
intellectuals, role of as sup-
     porters of the state, 66, 86

Journal of Libertarian Studies, 12, 101
judging people and their actions, 106
justice, 57
justice, natural, system of, 62

Kant, Immanuel, 8
“Kochtopus,” the, 32n
Kritik der kausalwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung (Hoppe), 99
Kuehneldt-Leddihn, Erik von, 116

language, perversion of, 70
Las Vegas Circle, 9
Las Vegas, Rothbard’s move to, 108
   application of to specific
        cases, 60
   discoverable, 59
   man-made (legislation),
Left, the
   egalitarian worldview,
        of 31
   aspects of society viewed
        with suspicion by, 39
left and right, differences between, 26ff
   not possible, 54
   vs. private property, 33
   as “useful idiots,” 53
   egalitarian assumptions
        of, 38
   Hoppe’s attacks on, 19
   ideology of, 32
   key intellectual problem
        of, 40f
   State aggrandizement
        by, 45
Lega Nord, 104
legal privileges for groups, role of, 87
liberalism, 75
Libertari Fascisti,” 104
libertarian doctrine, 75f
libertarian message, target audience for, 88
libertarian strategy, 85
libertarian theory
   and pragmatic rules, 16
   as not sufficient, 25f
libertarianism, 75
   application of, 79
   basics of, 15
   leftism as incompatible
         with, 30
   principal enemies of, 86f
   thick vs. multicultural-
         ism 117
   thick vs. thin, 116
   thick, rules for, 55
   thin, 53
   thin, as cultural relativ-
        ism 55
   fake, 77
   honest but dim-witted, 77
liberallala, 84, 85, 91, 94
Lichtschlag, Andre, 80
limited-government-free-market industry, 111, 115
live-and-let-live principle, 82f
   insufficiency of, 83
luck, undeserved, 28
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 101, 111
Lynn, Richard, 78

Maltsev, Yuri, 9
Man, Economy, and State (Rothbard), 111
Marxism, 8
mass immigration, 90f
   negative effects of,,18
Mises, Ludwig von, 8, 10, 98, 99, 112
misfits, tolerance toward, 34
monopolies, behavior of, 63
monopolization of justice, 62
monopoly justice
   conflict created by, 63
   taxes collected to pay
        for, 63
moral degeneration and corruption, examples of, 67ff
MSM (main-stream media), 80, 86, 89, 105
multi-culturalism, results of, 84

National Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany
  (NSDAP), 102
natural law, 59
natural order, reality’s deviation from, 62
“Neanderthal” culture, 72f
New Left, anti-war stance of, 107
New York City, Hoppe moving to, 100
New York University (NYU), 112
   as a political principle 41
   costs of, 41f
non-aggression principle (NAP), 11, 82
norms, purpose of, 76

Of Private, Common and Public Property and the Rationale for Total Privatization (Hoppe), 35n
“Original Sin,” 62

paleo-conservative movement, 78
patchwork of communities, a libertarian world as a, 19
Paul, Ron, 32n, 81, 117
Peine (Germany), 7
physical bodies, ownership of, 58
political correctness, 13, 80
   as a class, 65
   criminal activities of, 69
   public attitudes to, 71
politics, avoidance of, 97
Popper, Karl, 8
power elite
   imposition of by the Left, 30
   roles of, 30f
Privatdozent, 99
private law society, 62, 77
private property, 57, 76
privatization of goods, 58
Property and Freedom Society, 7, 71ff, 118
   membership selection
        for, 73
property rights
   vs. other invented rights,
   vs. tolerance, 13
property titles, moral suspicion of by the Left, 34
   direct control of, 24
   indirect control of, 24
   just vs. unjust claims to,
   original appropriation,
        of 76
   voluntary exchange of,
public education
   actual purpose of, 97
   end of, 96f
public facilities, use of by immigrants, 47f
public property, the State as trustee for, 47
public welfare, role of, 87
pure theory, 106

Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 12

Raico, Ralph, 103, 111, 118
Rand, Ayn, 10
Reason Magazine, 32n
remnant, the, 71
   directly controlled, 76
   indirectly controlled, 76
restitution, 29
revisionist history, 102f, 104, 106
Richard Wagner Society, 103
rights theory as ‘verbal flatulence’, 10
   natural and inalienable,
   natural vs. invented, 115
Robertson, Colin, 80
Rockwell, Lew, 101, 104, 111, 118
Rothbard phobia, 112
Rothbard, Joey, 103, 107
Rothbard, Murray N.,  9f, 31n, 75, 99ff
   as anarchist, 12
   as isolationist, 12
   academic humility of, 112
   attitude to German cul-
         ture of 103
   career of at UNLV, 113ff
   enemies made by, 12
   hatred of, 117
   intellectual intransi-
         gence, of, 115
   personality of, 101f
   prizes won by, 109
   sacrifices made by, 107f
   technologies used by in
         1985, 101
ruling elites, 31
   defunding of, 92
Runnin’ Rebels (UNLV basketball team), 113

Sailer, Steve, 78
scarcity as the source of conflict, 24
Schoeck, Helmut, 64
secession, 72
self-ownership, 15, 24, 58, 76
Smear Bund, The, 117
social authority, rival centers of, destruction of, 44
social change
   Hayekian strategy for, 89
   populist strategy for, 89
social degeneracy, 80
social justice warriors, 94
socialists, dealing with, 84
sociology and psychology, need for, 26, 79
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 79
Spencer, Richard, 78, 81f
State, the
   democratic, 64
   creation of, 62
   incompatible with
         private property, 110
   need for, 33
   role of in creating
         inequality, 35
states acting as trustees for citizen taxpayers, 19
strong-man State, calls for, 52
Students for Liberty, 80

Tarkanian, Jerry, 113
taxpayers as victims, 86
Taylor, Jared, 78
Theodoracopulos, Taki, 82
Trump, Donald, 20, 78, 81

Ultimate Justification of the Private Property Ethic, The (Hoppe), 11n
University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), 9, 112    
   Rothbard’s position at,
University of Saarland, 7

victim groups, advice for, 55f
voluntary exchange, 15, 25
wealth, political means of acquiring, 65
welfare for immigrants opposed, 19
welfare recipients, role of as supporters of the state, 67
western civilization, basis for, 88
what ‘victims’ owe their ‘victimizers’, 42f
white heterosexual Christian males, 17, 54, 88
   as victimizers, 39
white privilege, 94
whiteness, role of, 89
why the worst get on top, 66

Yarvin, Curtis, 78