Mises Wire

What if Boxer Shrugged?

What if Boxer Shrugged?

Like Atlas holding the sky on his shoulders, our federal representatives hold the weight of the Earth and our future on theirs — an awesome and sobering responsibility.

Imagine for a moment that you are Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee. In your omniscience, you recognize that “Bush’s new climate strategy (is) ‘worse than doing nothing ... the height of irresponsibility.’“ That is to say, you recognize that socialization of the means of production must happen now; we cannot afford a stroll down the meandering path of Bush’s enlightened Fascism.

The end — our end — is near unless you act, and act now. How could you possibly sleep? Or, for that matter, find time to fund raise, etc? Oh, the responsibilities of the selfless public servant.

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