Mises Wire

We Need To Secede If We Are Going To Succeed

We Need To Secede If We Are Going To Succeed

Charles K. Eames writes:

 New York state has failed the people. This beautiful state has vast resources, natural and man made yet people are leaving and companies are moving out. The reason is obvious. Under the New York City-based leadership, New York has become one of the highest taxed and most dysfunctional states in the nation.

The state has taken over many functions of local governance, imposing unfunded mandates and laws that are killing the upstate economy.

Issues of rent control, congestion pricing, farm regulations and county sales taxes are local issues and should be left at the local level...

Linda Holcomb responds:

I heartily agree with Charles K. Eames’ Aug. 20 “Upstate needs to secede from state to succeed.” For more years than I can remember, I have expressed that same sentiment. New York City should be a state, commonwealth or district like Washington and responsible for itself.

I am fed up with having to pay for New York City’s problems. It doesn’t seem to matter that only a small percentage of “upstaters” have ever been to New York City or even close to it, but they still have to pay for the city’s bills.

“Upstaters” are also stuck with the “Downstater” politicians who continue to push the money to the city and certainly have shown their true colors as to where their priorities are and that’s not with upstate...

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