Mises Wire

The Reign of Terror Begins

The Reign of Terror Begins

I’m slowly coming out of my post-election blues, all thanks to NPR. Why? Well it appears that the victors are already turning on themselves. That’s right, the Reign of Terror has begun, with each radical faction accusing all others of being enemies of the revolution. And, to think, the Terror erupted before any power was transferred.

Where the Republicans tend to coalesce around the power of the president, the Democrats tend to feed on themselves. The hailed change - the end to divisive politics - is now just another slogan lost on the campaign trail.

I expect to see the radicals push agendas that even the left-leaning Democrats cannot stomach. The Terror will be nasty and short, with a Themidorian Reaction to follow.

In the end, we will have moved further along the path toward total state control. But only by steps, not by my once-feared great-leap forward.

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