Mises Wire

Culinary arts and communist leaders

Culinary arts and communist leaders

The lovers of Liberty sometimes discount how hard the statists work. Certainly, we discuss and debate, and read and write, all in an effort to further the cause of Freedom. We grow hungry and need refreshment; that we accept. But, what about the socialists who are in the midst of economic and political plans that will exterminate close to 100 million? What do they eat to nourish their tired minds and bodies?

For that answer, look no further than the book, Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook, by chef Fuchsia Dunlop. This book is full of tales of both the famous exploits and favorite meals of Chairman Mao.

Dunlop was interviewed earlier this year on NPR. According to the NPR website, “(Dunlop) joins Melissa Block in the kitchen to prepare one of the most common Hunanese meals, said to have been a favorite of Chairman Mao: home-style bean curd, a spicy dish that creates a rich glow in the mouth.”

Interviewer Block has a noticable lilt in her voice whenever she says, “Mao.” To those ignorant of history, Block’s obvious excitement over the Chairman’s menu makes him seem like some rock star from her youth.

OK. So, who’s this Mao guy? Well, according to the interview web page, he is simply the man who led the Chinese Communist Revolution. China’s version of George Washington, I suppose.

Dunlop opens her book with Mao’s words of wisdom: “You can’t be a revolutionary if you don’t eat chilies.” I wonder if her next culinary text will cover the favorite breakfasts of the Soviet Union. She could start that book with a little wisdom from Trotsky: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Melissa Block can only wait.

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