A bit late, but some great reads here! Top 50 most-read Mises Dailies during 2013, by unique page views:
- A Virtual Weimar: Hyperinflation in a Video Game World - Peter C. Earle
- The Truth About SwedenCare - Klaus Bernpaintner
- Hushing Up Conspiracy Theories - Jeff Riggenbach
- How the Stock Market and Economy Really Work - Kel Kelly
- The Hiroshima Myth - John V. Denson
- The Money-ness of Bitcoins - Nikolay Gertchev
- Cartman Shrugged: The Invisible Gnomes and the Invisible Hand in South Park - Paul A. Cantor
- Decriminalize the Average Man - Wendy McElroy
- Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire - Joseph R. Peden
- Lincoln’s Inversion of the American Union - Donald W. Livingston
- Where Is the Inflation? - Mark Thornton
- The Great Thanksgiving Hoax - Richard J. Maybury
- The Truth About the “Robber Barons” - Thomas J. DiLorenzo
- Bitcoin: Money of the Future or Old-Fashioned Bubble? - Patrik Korda
- The Fed Must Inflate - Chris Martenson
- A History of Labor Unions from Colonial Times to 2009 - Morgan Reynolds
- The Forgotten Depression of 1920 - Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
- The Economics of ObamaCare - Robert P. Murphy
- The Libertarian Paradox - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
- Krugman’s Call for a Housing Bubble - Daniel J. Sanchez
- How to Fight the Modern State - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- How the Paper Money Experiment Will End - Philipp Bagus
- The Keynesian Endgame - David Stockman
- Native American Reservations: “Socialist Archipelago” - Andrei Znamenski
- Ten Economic Blunders from History - John S. Chamberlain
- The Ethics of Whistleblowing - Ben O’Neill
- The Paradox of Imperialism - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- The Logical Beauty of Libertarianism - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- The Oslo Housing Bubble Syndrome - Mark Thornton
- What Caused the Irish Potato Famine? - Mark Thornton
- Judge Napolitano on the Worst Supreme Court Decisions - Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
- The Economic Sense in Game of Thrones - Matt McCaffrey
- Why Legalize Now? - Mark Thornton
- The Bitcoin Money Myth - Frank Shostak
- Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage - Murray N. Rothbard
- Elizabeth Warren’s Unwarranted Wage - Walter Block
- Recessions: The Don’t Do List - John P. Cochran
- The Austrians Were Right - Harry Veryser
- The State Causes the Poverty It Later Claims to Solve - Andreas Marquart
- Declare Detroit a Free City - Patrick Barron
- The European Miracle - Ralph Raico
- Understanding Comparative Advantage - Stanley Schmidt
- Labor Unions, Thugs, And Storm Troopers - George Reisman
- The Errors of Keynes - Philipp Bagus
- Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian - George Reisman
- Move Over, Obamacare. Here Comes Obamaschool - Hunter Lewis
- Banking and the State - Thorsten Polleit
- Why I Am an Anarcho-Capitalist - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
- The American Economy is Not a Free-Market Economy - David Gordon
- The Price is Wrong – and So is Krugman - William L. Anderson