Enforced Equality or—Justice?
The expression "social justice" does appear to be employed by a great many people as almost synonymous with the word "equality. " But if equality is the same thing as social justice, then social justice can't be justice at all.
Tax Rate vs. Tax Base: A Public Choice Perspective on the Consequences for the Growth of Government
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Concept of “Nature” in Liberal Political Thought
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Lord Townshend and the Influence of Moral Philosophy on Laissez Faire
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Nozick and the Individualist Anarchist
Robert Nozick, in Anarchy, State, and Utopia presented his by-now-famous view that “a minimal state, limited to the narrow functions
Explaining the Antiwar Movement, 1939-1941: The Next Assignment
Few years in the history of the world have been as significant as the years 1939-1941.
Enforced Equality or—Justice?
The expression "social justice" does appear to be employed by a great many people as almost synonymous with the word "equality. " But if equality is the same thing as social justice, then social justice can't be justice at all.