Professor Hébert on Entrepreneurship
Rothbard discusses the differences between Mises's and Kirzner's concept of the entrepreneur.
Richard Cantillon: An Introduction
Jevons called Cantillon's Essai the "Cradle of Political Economy." It was one of the few books quoted by Adam Smith and it deserves reading by any serious thinker of political economy today.
Richard Cantillon and the French Economists: Distinctive French Contributions of J.B. Say
Cantillon’s Essai: A Current Perspective
Professor Spengler’s, “Richard Cantiilon: Fist of the Modems,” published in 1954, remains the classic survey article of Cantillon
Richard Cantillon: A Man of His Time: A Comment on Tarascio
Professor Spengler refers to Richard Cantillon as the first of the modems. Professor Tarascio presents him from a current perspective.
Richard Cantillon—Banker and Economist
This paper by Antoin E. Murphy reviews Richard Cantillion’s life and works.
Volume 7, Number 2 (1985)
Influence of Cantillon’s Essai on the Methodology of J.B. Say: A Comment on Liggio
One of the most important areas in which Cantillon influenced J. B.
West’s “Cantillon and Adam Smith”: A Comment
Students and admirers of Adam Smith will welcome Edwin West’s reappraisal of the relationship between Smith and Cantillon.
Was Richard Cantillon an Austrian Economist?
Can anyone take seriously the question posed by the title of this paper? History clearly reveals the following facts.