From Kirzner’s foreword:
September 29, 1981 marked the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of my teacher, Ludwig von Mises. Mises was a towering scholar in a number of fields, but it was as a world-renowned economist in the “Austrian” tradition that he did his most important work. My colleagues and I in the program in Austrian Economics at New York University undertook to organize a scholarly conference to mark this important anniversary... This book consists of revised versions of the eighteen papers and formal comments presented at the conference, together with a brief introductory chapter.

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Kirzner is among the foremost scholars in the continuing development of the Austrian School of economic theory. He taught for many years at New York University.
Presented at Hillsdale "College's Conference Commemorating the Centenary of the Birth of Ludwig von Mises" on September 10, 1981.
D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts, 1982. Second printing, 1983