The Blue Wound

Garet Garrett

Who started World War One? That is the all-encompassing question that Garet Garrett asks in this classic book from 1921. The amazing thing about this book — apart from its insightfulness into what or who really started World War One, and Garrett’s knowledge of World history — are the astonishingly prescient predictions he makes about the impending rise of Japan and the resurgence of Germany — leading to even further conflicts.

The Blue Wound by Garet Garrett
Meet the Author
Garet Garrett

Garet Garrett (1878–1954) was an American journalist and author who was noted for his critiques of the New Deal and US involvement in the Second World War.

Articles of Interest Garet Garrett
[The following is a condensation of Garet Garrett’s pamphlet The Rise of Empire , published in 1952, and included in his collection The People’s Pottage (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1953).] We have...
Mises Daily Garet Garrett
There are many aspects of government. The one least considered is what may be called the biological aspect, in which government is like an organism with such an instinct for growth and self-expression that if let alone it is bound to destroy human freedom — not that it might wish to do so but that it could not in nature do less. No government ever wants less government — that is, less of itself. No government ever surrenders power, even its emergency powers — not really.
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NY: G.P. Putnam and Sons, 1921