The Writings of F. A. Harper, Volume 2: Shorter Essays

F.A. Harper

In this 1979 book, Harper presents essays on Economics, Social Philosophy, and Humane Studies.

The Writings of F. A. Harper: Volume 2 Shorter Essays by F. A. Harper
Meet the Author
F A Harper
F.A. Harper

Floyd Arthur “Baldy” Harper (1905–1973) was a Cornell University professor and member of the Mont Pelerin Society. He helped start up the Foundation for Economic Education, codirected the William Volker Fund, and founded the Institute for Humane Studies. At Harper’s death, Murray Rothbard wrote, “Ever since he came to the Foundation for Economic Education in 1946 as its chief economist and theoretician, Baldy Harper, in a very real sense, has been the libertarian movement. For all these years, this gentle and lovable man, this wise and Socratic teacher, has been the heart and soul and nerve center of the libertarian cause.”

Read Rothbard’s memorial: Floyd Arthur ‘Baldy’ Harper, RIP.

Mises Daily F.A. Harper
Hay momentos en los que la humildad de uno parece irse de vacaciones, como me ocurrió a mí cuando el profesor Hayek propuso abordar este tema de debate. Más tarde, cuando la realidad volvió a...
View F.A. Harper bio and works

Institute for Humane Studies, Inc., Menlo Park, California, 1979