Mises Wire

Indoctrination in Public Schools: a personal memory

My parents recently visited and left some relics of my youth. One look at this drawing sent my mind back in time.

Almost 40 years ago, it wasn’t enough for government to tell me about the evils of smoking, they also coerced me into sharing private family information — that my father smoked — in order to serve the agenda of the state.

Mind you, my father knew the dangers of smoking. Everyone did (and does). Nevertheless, after a hard day of work, my father had to face me — his smirking, deputized son — and my silly artwork and misspelled message.

At some time in our past, the state succeeded in elevating its education above all other institutions — the family included. By doing so, the state created the situation where it alone could indoctrinate the youth, and parents wouldn’t even raise a concern.

Yesterday it was smoking. Today it’s the environment. Tomorrow, who knows.

Whoever controls the minds of the youth controls the future.

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