Recovery or Stagnation? The Mises Circle in San Francisco

Mises Circle San Francisco 2009
- Event

Sponsored by Mark L. Hart III

Imagine a team of doctors who think more poison is that solution to poisoning. That’s precisely how government has managed the economic downturn. The market is trying to correct the distortions, even as government piles on ever more.

This one-day conference will examine the motivations, the bad theory, and the dangerous implications behind “countercyclical“ policy and artificial stimulus. Are the “green shoots” real or illusory. It is easy to forget today that the Great Depression was not straight down all the way: fits and starts marked the long-term decline. This event takes a look back at the Great Depression and examines whether the government is currently creating another one.


9:00 a.m. Registration

9:30 a.m. Welcome, Douglas E. French

9:45 a.m. Walter Block, “Government Bailouts: Picking Winners”

10:15 a.m. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, “How Not to Deal with Economic Depression”

10:45 a.m. Discussion and Refreshments

11:00 a.m. Robert P. Murphy, “How Politicians and Citizens Should Deal with Depression”

11:30 a.m. Lunch

12:45 p.m. Douglas E. French, “Housing and Fannie Mae: FDR’s American Dream”

1:15 p.m. Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., “The Fed, the Crisis, and the Mises Institute”

2:00 p.m. Adjourn

2:30 p.m. Bookstore Closes

Additional Information

James W. Fogal CFP®, Director of Development for the Institute, is available during breaks and after adjournment to discuss charitable/tax saving strategies. 

Registration fee is $85 per person, which includes lunch and refreshment breaks. (There is a non-refundable registration processing fee of $25 for cancelations.)

The conference is held at the glorious Intercontinental Hotel, San Francisco. For accommodations at the Intercontinental, call 1-866-781-2364 and mention the Mises Institute and the code MSS for a special rate of $139 per night, plus tax.

Publicity Waiver: Registering for this event gives the Mises Institute permission to take photos, record videos, and receive statements of and from attendees for promotional purposes. By this authorization, attendees understand and agree that no participant shall receive remuneration and that all rights, title and interest to the photos, videos, and statements and use thereof belong to the Mises Institute.

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