Satan's Bushel

Garet Garrett

This dazzling work in economic fiction is the third of Garet Garrett’s novel trilogy, written and first published in 1924. Like the others, Satan’s Bushel is a splendid book, not just from the point of view of economics but also as a piece of literature.

What is Satan’s Bushel? It is the last bushel that the farmer puts on the market that “breaks the price” — that is reduces it to the point that wheat farming is no longer profitable. The puzzle that afflicts the wheat farmers is that they sell their goods when the price is low and have no goods to sell when the price is high. Withholding goods from the market is one answer but why should any farmer do that?

What is the answer to this problem? Working from this premise, then, as implausible as it may sound, but the central figure in this book is the price of wheat. It is the main source of drama. The settings are the wheat pit at the Chicago exchange (circa 1915) and the Kansas wheat fields. Linking those two radically different universes is the mission of this book.

The action further explores the meaning, morality, and utility of wheat speculation. The plot is centered at the turn of the 20th century, a critical period when the agricultural economy was completely giving way to the fully industrialized one, and farmers were panicked about the alleged problem of falling prices. The allegory might equally apply to the computer industry today, so there is nothing lost in the passage of time.

It tells the story of one man’s discovery of a brilliant speculator and his relationship with an old and legendary farmer/mystic and his daughter. The mystic embodies both the highest wisdom and the greatest economic fallacies of the day. The question that must be confronted is how to make farms profitable in times of falling prices, and the novel shows that speculation, even with all its human foibles, makes a contribution to stabilizing the market.

Here is one of hundreds of brilliant passages describing the speculator:

“No rule of probability contains him. To say that he acts upon impulse, without reflection, in a headlong manner, is true only so far as it goes. Many people have that weakness. With him it is not a weakness. It is a principle of conduct. The impulse in his case is not ungovernable. It does not possess him and overthrow his judgment. It is the other way around. He takes possession of the impulse, mounting it as it were the enchanted steed of the Arabian Nights, and rides it to its kingdom of consequences. What lies at the end is always a surprise; if it is something he doesn’t care for, no matter. Another steed is waiting. Meaning to do this, living for it, he has no baggage. There is nothing behind him. If he has wealth it is portable. He is at any moment ready.”

In a plot twist that foreshadows the New Deal, one person attempts to destroy the wheat crops with a poisonous fungus, thinking that he is doing the farmers a favor by reducing supply! The reader is confronted with a challenge of coming to understand whether this is really so, and if not, why? Keep in mind that this is written a full decade before FDR attempted the same tactics from the federal level!

Another dramatic scene involves the arrest of an opponent of World War I. Further, there are plot twists that turn on romance, sorcery, criminality, mob behavior, psychological possession, the war, price controls, government interventions, and other surprises and wholly unimaginable things like water witchery and a teak tree in Burma. The central action, however, deals with the core of economics and the place of production and speculation.

And for financial historians, there is the very special treat of observing great drama of the early years of the Chicago commodities market - written from the vantage point of one generation later. There are scenes in the wheat trading pit that just take your breath away. This novel demonstrates yet again that no one can make the stuff of enterprise dramatic, tragic, and heroic like Garet Garett.

The effect is to so closely link the most outlandish and farflung economic activities to human frailties and uncertainties that one gains not only an understanding of how commodity markets worked earlier this century as well as an appreciation of how price movements work in all times and all places, but also a love for the craft.

Several passages provide beautiful insight into how the speculator thinks and how the speculator’s actions work to reduce destabilizing price fluctuations. But it is also a very human institution, subject to whim and learning. Also, the government comes across here as nothing short of egregious and destructive.

Satan's Bushell by Garet Garrett
Meet the Author
Garet Garrett

Garet Garrett (1878–1954) was an American journalist and author who was noted for his critiques of the New Deal and US involvement in the Second World War.

Mises Daily Garet Garrett
La obra engorrosamente titulada La teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero, ahora comúnmente abreviada como “La teoría general”, fue publicada en 1936. Probablemente ningún otro libro ha producido en tan poco tiempo un efecto comparable, escribe Garet Garrett. Ha coloreado, modificado y condicionado el pensamiento económico en todo el mundo. Sobre él se ha fundado una nueva iglesia económica, dotada de todas las propiedades propias de una iglesia, como una revelación propia, una doctrina rígida, un lenguaje simbólico, una propaganda, un sacerdocio y una demonología. La revelación, aunque brillantemente escrita, era, sin embargo, oscura y difícil de leer, pero donde cabía esperar que este hecho obstaculizara la difusión de la doctrina, tuvo un resultado opuesto y sirvió a los propósitos de la publicidad dando lugar a escuelas de exégesis y a interminables controversias porque nada podía resolverse. No había un estado de la sociedad en el que la teoría pudiera ser probada o refutada por medio de la demostración —ni lo hay todavía.
Mises Daily Garet Garrett
Un grande descubre a otro: Garet Garrett revisa dos libros de Ludwig von Mises en este ensayo recién descubierto de 1945. Garrett escribe: Ludwig von Mises escribe la tragedia en el lenguaje de la economía política. Hay en el hombre el mismo principio de frustración. Una vez, y quizás por primera vez, encontró el camino correcto. Partiendo de la filosofía social optimista del liberalismo del siglo XVIII, descubrió las soluciones del libre mercado, de la libre competencia, de la libre empresa privada —es decir, el capitalismo— y cómo, al mismo tiempo, poner al gobierno en su lugar. Después de eso, sólo tuvo que ir en línea recta hacia un mundo de paz y abundancia ilimitada. Durante un tiempo siguió en línea recta y se produjo el siglo XIX, en el que la libertad política y el bienestar material avanzaron juntos, inseparablemente y de forma maravillosa. Pero el gobierno, que había puesto en su lugar, comenzó a adelantarse a él, ofreciéndole hacer el bien y ayudarle en su camino.
Mises Daily Garet Garrett
Hay una larga historia de experiencia monetaria, escribe Garet Garrett. Nos dice que el gobierno es, en el fondo, un falsificador y, por tanto, no se puede confiar en él para controlar el dinero, y esto es cierto tanto para los gobiernos autocráticos como para los populares. El historial se ha acumulado desde la invención del dinero. Sin embargo, no se le cree. También hay una historia de la moneda sólida, y si sus lecciones son igualmente ignoradas, ¿qué se puede concluir sino que los engaños monetarios son, por alguna extraña ley de la locura, recurrentes e incurables? Hubo un siglo de dinero sólido. Durante los cien años que precedieron a la Primera Guerra Mundial, el gobierno apenas tocó el dinero más que para establecer normas de peso y medida, para establecer las leyes de responsabilidad y para autorizar a los banqueros. En ese siglo la riqueza del mundo aumentó más que en toda la época anterior del hombre económico.
View Garet Garrett bio and works

NY: E.P. Dutton, 1924

NY: E.P. Dutton, 1924