Profit and Loss

Ludwig von Mises

In 1951, Mises gave an outstanding paper that made the summary case for the price system under capitalistic economic systems. In “Profit and Loss,” he explains how cost accounting is the critical institution that ferrets out social waste, ensures that resources are directed to their most highly valued ends, and how entrepreneurs respond to price signals. His presentation is systematic, relentless, logical, and ultimately devastating to the opponents of profit and loss.

He explains what it is that entrepreneurs confront in a market economy and how no bureaucratic institution can replicate the trial-and-error process that is at the heart of the market system. He weaves into his analysis the role of the consumer as the final arbiter of what is produced and distributed.

Behind Mises’s presentation was a burning desire to not only persuade the world but the attendees of the Mont Pelerin Society meeting in particular, whom Mises suspected were losing touch with core truths about the market order.

The great merit of this essay is its brevity and passion. It explains the workings of what most people never think about or take for granted. Graduate students of economics have appreciated this essay for many years as the best summary of the technical side of the market.

Cover for Profit and Loss
Meet the Author
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises

루드비히 폰 미제스는 20세기 가장 저명한 경제학자이자 사회 철학자들 중의 한 분이다. 그의 긴 그리고 생산성 높은 삶 속에서 그는 개별 인간은 자신이 원하는 목표를 달성하기 위하여 목적 지향적으로 행동한다는 공리(公理)를 바탕으로 해서 경제학을 융합적이고 연역적인 과학으로 발전시켰다. 그의 경제분석 자체는 (경제학자들이 갖고 있는 가치와는 상관 없다는 의미에서) ‘가치 중립적’이였을 지라도, 미제스는 인류를 위해 실용적인 유일한 경제정책은 어떤 제한도 없는 자유방임, 자유시장, 그리고 어떤 방해도 받지 않는 사유재산권 행사의 정책이라고 결론 내렸다. 정부의 역할은 그 나라의 영토 안에 있는 사람과 재산을 보호하는 데에만 엄격하게 제한되어야 한다고 했다.

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Discurso Sociedad Mont Pelerin, septiembre 1951, incluido en Planificando para la libertad. Instituto Mises 2008. Auburn, Alabama.