Paul Armentano

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Mises Daily Paul Armentano
Faced with mounting public criticism over the Justice Department’s decision to shutter several locally authorized California medical marijuana dispensaries, Drug Czar John Walters recently traveled to Northern California to oversee police efforts to eradicate clandestine marijuana crops growing on public lands, and to label California’s pot farmers as “terrorists.” According to a published report, writes Paul Armentano, the Czar proclaimed, “[T]he people who plant and tend [these marijuana] gardens are terrorists who wouldn’t hesitate to help other terrorists get into the country with the aim of causing mass casualties.” While Walters’s hyperbolic statement was no doubt meant to piggyback on recent terrorism fears fueled by US Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, the allegation nonetheless reeks of desperation and dishonesty.
Mises Daily Paul Armentano
Despite the Media Campaign’s consistently poor performance, lawmakers are nonetheless set to refund the anti-drug ad program with a new five-year appropriation, which includes a $90 million funding boost! Nevertheless, it’s painfully apparent that the public isn’t buying what the government is selling.