Mises Wire

The December Issue of ‘The Free Market’ Is Now Online

The December Issue of ‘The Free Market’ Is Now Online
Picture1The December issue of The Free Market, the Mises Institute’s monthly, is now online. (A subscription is included with membership.) This month, Lew Rockwell discusses the future of the Mises Institute as an institution of higher learning:
I think the Mises Institute represents the future of higher education. There has been so little innovation in the mainstream higher education industry. Peter Klein points out that colleges and universities still use the same production model that Aristotle used. ... There are, of course, different ways to do this, and the Mises Institute is at the cutting edge of those different ways. But there’s another way to do it, and as we see with the online courses of MisesAcademy, and with our in-person programs such as Mises University and the Rothbard Graduate Seminar, there is much greater respect for the student and his or her time. Depending on the program, students can complete them quickly, often on a schedule tailored to the student’s needs, and the Mises Institute then issues certificates to those who successfully finish the programs. Meanwhile, we’re finding that employers are often treating these certificates as something equivalent to college credit when considering employment for our alumni. This makes sense, of course, since the Mises Institute teaches students how to really engage in economic reasoning and to think like someone who truly understands economics—the type of real economics described by Mises.
And Jeffrey Herbener and Shawn Ritenour recount the contributions of historian and biographer Mary Sennholz:
After the war, she was part of Adlai Stevenson’s committee of American officials in London working to establish the United Nations. She resigned in 1947 to join Leonard Read at the Foundation for Economic Education. Her admiration for the founder of FEE was clear. In the forward to her biography, Leonard Read: Philosopher of Freedom, published in 1993, she wrote, “Leonard Read, the offspring of New England pioneers, was to become the leader who, at a crucial moment in American history, rallied the demoralized and tired forces of individual freedom and the private property order ...” In her work, she rubbed shoulders with Frank Chodorov, Baldy Harper, Henry Hazlitt, Israel Kirzner, Edmund Opitz, Gary North, Benjamin Rogge, and Murray Rothbard among others.
Also included this month is the 2013 Year in Review, featuring news of the Mises Institute’s new president, Jeff Deist, plus a quick retrospective on the year’s events, seminars, classes, and new scholars. Read the full issue here.
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