Mises Wire

Greenspan’s Mea Culpa?

Greenspan’s Mea Culpa?

Well, no, it is not exactly a confiteor moment as he appears to spread the blame around quite considerably in his new memoir: The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World.

The New York Times reports that Fed’s Ex-Chief Attacks Bush on Fiscal Role

Bloomberg adds that Greenspan Says Bush’s Economics Driven by Politics

But, what was Greenspan doing when he actually had some power?

Oh, that is right, Penguin Press wasn’t there to pay him $8 million dollars to actually do anything.

Much easier to provide a lot of “tortured” econspeak and then leave quietly in order to pick up the paycheck later and find fault with others.

I have no doubt that Republicans swapped principle for power, but Greenspan bears responsibility as well.

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