Power & Market

New Documentary from the Cobden Centre: Ex Nihilo: The Truth About Money

Our friends at the Cobden Centre have produced a new documentary, Ex Nihilo: The Truth About Money, available on YouTube. It premiered last month in the British Parliament, in the House of Lords.

The film focuses on modern money creation, the debt bubble fueled by modern central banks, the consequences of Cantillion effects, and the need for the dire depoliticalization of money. It features commentary from Austrian-inspired academics, bankers, politicians, think tank managers and even former Federal Reserve officials. One of the film’s experts is Alasdair Macleod, whose work has been featured on Mises.org for years.

The Cobden Centre is an independent educational charity founded formally to undertake research into economic and political science and to disseminate the results thereof and to advance the education of the public in economic and political science.

Remote video URL


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