Mises Wire

The White House, the Fed, and the Economy: Mises Circle in Fort Myers, FL

Mises Circle Naples 2023

Every day, Americans feel the political capture of the economy. Inflation, taxes, and regulatory costs hit our paychecks and savings. The regulatory capture of medical industries; food and energy production; and the various instruments of Big Tech empowers the regime with new tools to promote their latest ideological cause. The ever-growing burden of government debt has become a crisis without any political will to address it.

This November, the Mises Institute will be in Fort Myers, Florida, to cut through the campaign talking points and offer an uncompromising look at what is coming next. Speakers include Bob Murphy, Patrick Newman, Jonathan Newman, and Murray Sabrin. Join fellow travelers from around Florida and beyond for a dose of sanity before we hit the peak of the 2024 political circus.

The event will take place at 11:00 a.m. at the Luminary Hotel in downtown Fort Myers. Registration is $70 for Mises Members and $85 for nonmembers and includes a catered lunch.

Students, apply here for an admission scholarship.

Special thanks to Murray and Florence M. Sabrin for making this event possible.

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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