Mises Wire

We’re All Keynesians Now

We’re All Keynesians Now

Thanks, Dick. In Southeastern Michigan, all the Keynesians are lining up to praise demand-side economics. In a couple of weeks, the UAW (United Auto Workers) will be passing out $3,000 signing checks to union members, and hence, the Detroit area is said to be the country’s one great target for a sure economic boost. A University of Detroit Professor remarked, “We have to get them to spend this in Michigan and get them to spend it now. Retailers should mount the horse quickly and promote the fact that they’re ready for this and want to be your friend — and become friends immediately.” Local econosmits are championing retailers’ efforts at courting buyers because it’s “great for the local economy.” One analyst with Ernst & Young tripped up the Keynesian party when she said that paying down debt and savings might have to be a priority. Aw shucks — did she have to say that?


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