Mises Wire

Taking Our Gold (and Freedom)

Taking Our Gold (and Freedom)


Will the tyrants in D.C. soon be outlawing the ownership of gold, FDR-style? According to Underreported.com:

HR 2417 redefines “financial institution” to match U.S. Code Title 31 Section 5312:

(2) ‘’financial institution’’ means -


(N) a dealer in precious metals, stones, or jewels;


This bill - HR 2417 - was passed this month, as Congress slowly works its way toward complete control of the financial sector - all in the name of the “war on terror,” of course.

Look at the various parts of the bill, and note that it provides/reaffirms numerous protections for employees of the CIA and NSA (including tort liability). And Section 502 provides the open wallet for “counterterrorism” efforts in Columbia, meaning endless drug war monies.


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