Mises Wire

News: New Group Blog

News: New Group Blog

This one has the makings of a real good one. David Beito, a libertarian from History News Network, sent me a note that his old blog is now wrapped up within a new group blog with other historians, including two excellent scholars notable among libertarians, Jeff Hummel and Thomas Fleming. Here is the announcement:

“I am pleased to announce the birth of a new group blog at the History News Network: Liberty and Power. The Liberty and Power bloggers will include Thomas Fleming, author of the Illusion of Victory and the New Dealers’ War, Jeff Hummel, author of Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men, Stephen J. Davies, author of many works on the history of the private provision of services, feminism, and history, and David M. Hart of Liberty Fund. I encourage you to visit it.”

The first post I saw was on Richard Cobden, the great nineteenth-century, bourgeois radical. I recommend the fabulous book on Cobden called Richard Cobden: Independent Radical. Some of Cobden’s great speeches can also be found online at the Library of Economics and Liberty.

Posted by Karen De Coster, www.karendecoster.com

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