Mises Wire

At Least They’re Not Being Gouged

At Least They’re Not Being Gouged

I don’t know how much coverage this has been getting nationally, but thousands of people in Queens, NY have been without power for seven days now. (Think of how beastly hot it has been here during the past week.) Caterers have had to dump wedding cakes, AC isn’t working, and, to top it all off, Con Edison doesn’t even know what the problem is! I think these customers should just switch companies, don’t you?What’s really hilarious is the changing story coming from Con Edison. Last Tuesday, they said 190 customers in Queens, 700 in the Bronx, and 100 in Manhattan were without power. On Thursday the reported number was about 100,000 people. Mayor Bloomberg promised that by Sunday (yesterday) everyone’s power would be back. According to one newspaper, only about half had their power restored.

As I stressed above, Con Edison doesn’t even know what the problem is. It’s not that a storm knocked down a bunch of lines, or that there was a blackout because of too much usage during a hot day. Con Edison’s press releases are things along the lines of, “At this time we cannot be certain of the cause...”

Anyway here’s a piece I wrote about the annual pleas to “conserve water and power” in big cities. Gooo socialism!

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