An Inflation Primer

Melchior Palyi

Inflation concerns every citizen-worker, banker, creditor, debtor, politician and union leader. It is the “legalized robbery” by which wealth is distributed, false prosperity is prolonged and nations are ruined. An Inflation Primer is written for the general reader. It explains in non-technical language the intimate complexities of our monetary, credit and fiscal policies as they affect the purchasing power and foreign value of the dollar. It clarifies the problems of bank liquidity, gold reserves and gold movements, national and private debt, all in their relation to prices and the national welfare

An Inflation Primer by MELCHIOR PALYI
Meet the Author
Melchior Palyi

Melchior Palyi (1892–1970) was an American citizen of Hungarian descent — a distinguished, internationally recognized educator, author, economist, and financial expert. He taught in the Universities of Kiel, Goettingen, and Berlin. In 1928 he was appointed chief economist to the Deutsch Bank in Berlin. From 1931 to 1933 he served in the capacity of scientific advisor to the Reichsbank of Germany. In the United States, he taught at the Universities of Chicago, Wisconsin, and Northwestern. He acquired a national reputation as a scientific and popular writer, public lecturer, radio commentator and consulting economist.

Mises Daily Melchior Palyi
Governmentalized health services sooner or later run into the iron curtain of mountainous costs. The easiest way out is to curtail honoraria, denouncing the doctors as profiteers.
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Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, 1962