Mises Wire

The First Ludwig von Mises Seminar in Germany

On 16 to 17 January 2015, the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland held its first academic “Ludwig von Mises Seminar” in Frankfurt, Germany.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Guido Hülsmann, Philipp Bagus, and Thorsten Polleit gave lectures on methodology, the origin of the Austrian School, the state, business cycle theory, interventionism, monetary theory, and the inflation culture, among other topics.

More than 130 people participated in the 1 1/2 day seminar (many of them young students), which was held in the fabulous and extravagant hall of the German stock exchange in Germany.

The Mises seminar 2015 was certainly a most successful starting point by all means - having brought back the Austrian School in the Misesian tradition to Germany, and we have already started planing the Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2016.

Some photos from the event:

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