Murphy and Newman Do a Postgame Analysis of ZeroHedge MMT Debate
Jonathan Newman appears on the show to discuss Bob's recent debate on ZeroHedge, which centered on Austrian economics versus Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
Jonathan Newman appears on the show to discuss Bob's recent debate on ZeroHedge, which centered on Austrian economics versus Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
Most Americans think of Abraham Lincoln in hagiographic terms, the man who “saved” the United States from destruction. A closer look gives us a different picture of “Honest Abe.” David Gordon reviews a book that very much questions the Lincoln mythology.
Has the statist tide turned from where we were culturally and politically four years ago? Or is this just a temporary lull before the political culture takes another hard left turn?
The challenge facing economic science is to counter the reactionary counterrevolution by states and governments that smother voluntary cooperation and free human interaction based on liberty. The chains must be thrown off in favor of the libertarian ideal of an anarchocapitalist system.
John Maynard Keynes is often credited with presciently criticizing the harsh anti-German measures of the Treaty of Versailles. But, it turns out that Keynes was playing both sides.
Economist Jonathan Newman joins Ryan to discuss how deficit spending and runaway debt is causing price inflation and higher interest rates.
Governments seem united in their drive to destroy sound money and replace it with worthless paper. As technologies advance, however, so does the ability of people to undermine government, and with it, the development of sound money.
Trump promises to levy new tariffs and trade restrictions, along with subsidies for favored industries. This latest version of “industrial policy” will fail again, it has in the past.
The Biden presidency is over and not a minute too soon. Biden‘s five decades of public life has always been one of a mediocre grifter, but he saved his worst for his four years in the White House, where he managed to combine incoherence and incompetence with a lust for power.
Biden‘s last-minute pardon of Anthony Fauci was not done to spare an "innocent" person from abuse by dishonest politicians. Biden likely did it to prevent an investigation into Fauci's actions and background, which could have proved damaging for the political establishment.