Mises Wire

Murphy to Debate Another Fed Economist (Updated)

Murphy to Debate Another Fed Economist (Updated)

I am going to be one-half of the lunchtime presentation at the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) meeting in Atlanta on Thursday February 10th. They have graciously made an option for people who just want to go to the lunch and watch the debate.

Be careful when you go to the link; it looks like it’s saying the date is February 7, but that’s just their cut-off for ticket sales. Also note that if you do sign up for this, you need to print out your payment confirmation to get in the door the day of the event.

According to this preliminary flyer, the lunch seminar goes from noon – 1:30pm (Eastern time). I assume that is still accurate but you may want to double check for yourself. (I’m driving out there the night before so I can afford to have rational ignorance on this matter.)

I am going to say that the Fed is making markets more unstable with its current policies, and of course relate it to my views on the housing bubble.

Dwyer is going to offer the rationale behind the Fed’s current policies.


Update: view the video below. 

Remote video URL
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