Power Unlimited: The Corruption of Union Leadership

Sylvester Petro

A report on the May 1957 “McClellan Committee Hearings”: the hearing of the Senate Select Committee to Investigate Improper Activities in Labor-Management Relations.

“The author has chosen well the individual cases which illustrate the methods of the labor bosses. And he has seen the significance of brief as well as lengthy passages in the testimony.” –Chicago Sunday Tribune

Power Unlimited by Sylvester Petro
Meet the Author
Sylvester Petro

Sylvester Petro (1917–2007) was a professor of law and the author of several books on the history of labor policy in the United States, including The Labor Policy of a Free Society, The Kohler Strike, and The Kingsport Press Strike. As professsor and director of the Wake Forest University Institute of Law and Policy Analysis, he taught generations of students about the history of labor unions, while defending free association and free contract as essential to the free and prosperous commonwealth. He was a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and a supporter of the Mises Institute.

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The Ronald Press Company, New York, 1959.